Confessions of a Movie Slut Part Deux
ruminations of one diana, a journalist and cadet reporter obssessed over all things celluloid. a po-mo culturalist who has recently rediscovered her love for writing fiction, she hopes to meet life head-on with less fear and more gusto. these are her confessions.
hope you're holding up okay over there. rest assured, i haven't forgotten about u. true friends don't forget their mates. at least i don't.
and i have been a bad potterhead inc member. i can't...ermmm..remember what i've read...and i don't know what to expect.hahah...pls come home and give me a rundown of what order of the phoenix is coz i'm too blardy lazy to open my dusty book to find out myself. ah..terima kasih eh. heheh...take care babe!
*hug* yeah, i know. it's one of those strange funks i fall into from time to time.
hahaha, it's ok! it happens. much has happened in the harry potter world lah. many small details.
i tell u, next year, potterhead inc will come out to watch order of the phoenix in full gloryyy! tee-shirts in tow. watch out world!!
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